Classics Illustrated version based on lecture overheads

some overheads (wildly incomplete) from P. Cvitanović's lectures based on

Chapter 1 - Overture

Chapter 2 - Go with the flow

Chapter 3 - Discrete time dynamics

Chapter 4 - Local stability

Chapter 5 - Cycle stability

(no overheads available)

Chapter 6 - Lyapunov exponents

(no overheads available)

Chapter 7 - Hamiltonian dynamics

(no overheads available)

Chapter 8 - Billiards


Chapter 9 - World in a mirror

Chapter 10 - Relativity for cyclists

Chapter 11 - Charting the state space

Chapter 12 - Qualitative dynamics, for cyclists

(no overheads available)

Chapter 13 - Fixed points, and how to get them

Chapter 14 - Walkabout: Transition graphs

(no overheads available)

Chapter 15 - Counting

Chapter 16 - Transporting densities

(no overheads available)

Chapter 17 - Averaging

Chapter 18 - Trace formulas

Chapter 19 - Spectral determinants

Chapter 20 - Cycle expansions

(no overheads available)

Chapter 21 - Discrete factorization

Chapter 22 - Why cycle?

(no overheads available)

Chapter 23 - Why does it work?

Chapter 24 - Intermittency

(no overheads available)

Chapter 25 - Deterministic diffusion

Chapter 26 - Turbulence?

turbulence tutorial
a seminar (click on PDF icon) + 3 videos of Newton Inst presentations

Chapter 27 - Irrationally winding

(no overheads available)

Chapter 28 - Noise

Chapter 29 - Relaxation for cyclists

Chapter 30 - Quantum chaos - prologue

(no overheads available)

Chapter 31 - Quantum mechanics, briefly

(no overheads available)

Chapter 32 - WKB quantization

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Chapter 33 - Semiclassical evolution

(no overheads available)

Chapter 34 - Semiclassical quantization

Chapter 35 - Quantum scattering

(no overheads available)

Chapter 36 - Chaotic multiscattering

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Chapter 37 - Helium atom

Chapter 38 - Diffraction distraction

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Appendix A - A brief history of chaos

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Appendix B - Go straight

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Appendix C - Linear stability

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Appendix D - Finding cycles

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Appendix E - Symbolic dynamics techniques

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Appendix F - Counting itineraries

(no overheads available)

Appendix G - Implementing evolution

(no overheads available)

Appendix H - Transport of vector fields

(no overheads available)

Appendix I - Discrete symmetries of dynamics

(no overheads available)

Appendix J - Convergence of Fredholm determinants

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Appendix K - Infinite dimensional operators

(no overheads available)

Appendix L - Thermodynamic formalism

(no overheads available)

Appendix M - Statistical mechanics recycled

(no overheads available)

Appendix N - Noise/quantum corrections

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Appendix T - Projects

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