Table of contents; General Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction to the boundary layer method
Chapter 2: Circular hydraulic jump
Chapter 3: Waves running down an inclined plane
(Co-autors: Tomas Bohr and Shinya Watanabe, submitted to PRL)
Chapter 5: Flow in an expanding channel
Chapter 6: Introduction to "Global estimates ..."
Chapter 7: "Global estimates and shocks in the noiseless conserved KPZ equation"
(Co-authors: Tomas Bohr and Joachim Krug, Nonlinearity 10, 4 (1997) )
Chapter 8: "Introduction to "Spatiotemporal chaos..."
Chapter 9: "Hopf's last hope: Spatiotemporal chaos in terms of spatiotemporal recurrent patterns"
(Co-authors: P. Cvitanovic' and F. Christiansen, Nonlinearity 10, 1 (1997))