PHYS 6124 videos : week 14

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November 19
video Clip 1- Lecture by Sara A Solla
Linear and nonlinear dimensionality reduction: applications to neural data, or - The unreasonable effectiveness of linear algebra. (1:08 hour) (version of Nov 23, 2020)

November 19
video Clip 2 Ignacio Taboada - Probability
Uncertainty, probability density functions, error matrix (20 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020)

November 19
video Clip 3 Ignacio Taboada - Distributions
binomial, normal, uniform, moments, quantiles. Monte Carlo (why you need the uniform distribution) (19 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020)

November 19
video Clip 4 Ignacio Taboada - central limit theorem
(why you need normal dist - 2 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020)

November 19
video Clip 5 Ignacio Taboada - Multi-dimensional PDFs
Multi-dimensional PDFs (13 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020)

November 19
video Clip 6 Error propagation
Covariances add! Covariances add! Covariances add! Three times :) (18 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020)

November 19
video Discussion - A physicist turns neuroscientist
You can do anything. Progress in brain science. What is consciousness. What we know. The rest is speculation. Much speculation. (57 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020) November 17
video Rant - This is a kindergarten course
A professional should teach it, so I can teach you stuff that nobody teaches you here. (4 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020)

November 19
video Sermon - Thanksgiving is upon us
don't be stupid (3 min) (version of Nov 23, 2020)