Chapter assignements

30 nov 2000

  1. (everybody sends comments/edits to Predrag:) Overture
  2. (Ronnie 30 Oct) Trajectories- strange sets, something on computing, add appendix of flows, billiards as circle and line intersection, (overdue)
  3. (Ronnie 30 Nov) Local stability- Lozi map, Henon with becomes parabola, linear maps (could be 2d), mention Lyapunov exponents, do billiards well, stabilities are coordinate invariant, look at Gaspard's book for stability of billiards. (overdue)
  4. (Ronnie 15 Jan) Transporting densities-show islands of stability, different ergodic components, clear up L versus L*. Compare to Koopman: how do they differ?
  5. (Gabor 31 Jan) Averaging
  6. (Gabor 31 Jan) Trace formulas
  7. (Gabor 28 Feb) Spectral determinants 10.1 + 10.2 + 10.3 + 10.5 + 10.6 + 10.7 + 10.8
  8. (Roberto 31 Jan) Why does it work? 10.4+ 12.2+ 12.3, eigenfunctions (13.6), 13.7, 13.8
  9. (€) Qualitative dynamics
  10. (Gregor 30 Nov) Counting (overdue)
  11. (Predrag 30 Oct) Finding fixed points (overdue)
  12. (Roberto 28 Feb) Cycle expansions + 12.2 + 12.4
  13. (Roberto 28 Feb) Why cycle? (simple applications) 13.1 + 13.2 + 13.3 + 13.4 + 13.9
  14. (Ronnie 15 Feb) Thermodynamics + E1
  15. (Gegor 28 Feb) Intermittency
  16. (Andreas 15 Dec) Discrete symmetries
  17. (Per 30 Nov) Deterministic diffusion + 17.4 (anomalous diffusion) (overdue)
  18. (Per 30 Nov) Irrationally winding (overdue)
  19. (Ronnie 30 Feb) Statmech
  20. (Gregor 28 Feb) Semiclassical evolution
  21. (Andreas 28 Feb) Semiclassical quantization
  22. (Andreas 28 Feb) Scattering + add 3 disk results
  23. (Gregor 28 Feb) Helium
  24. (Gabor 30 Nov) Diffraction distraction (delivered 30 Nov 2000)