Transient turbulence: a narrative

[keep the movie from the previous slide running in a separate window]

The state-space trajectory is plotted against three exact equilibria of plane Couette flow:
the lower-branch (LB, blue)
the upper-branch (UB, green)
the "newbie" (NB, red)
plus the laminar solution (LM, black) (see equilibria). The half-cell translations in x and z of the equilibria are points indicated with prefix "τx", "τz", and "τxz". The blue and green solid lines show the 1 and 2-dimensional unstable manifolds of the LB and UB equilibria. The moving red dot is the state of the fluid velocity field evolving under the Navier-Stokes equations.

Partial narrative:

  • t=0-150 : The initial condition is a small perturbation in the unstable manifold of the NB equilibrium. The perturbation is small enough that no visible changes occur until about t=150.
  • t=150-280 : An oscillation around the NB equilibrium, governed by the NB's unstable complex eigenvalue.
  • t=280-300 : A close pass to the half-cell z-translated τzLB equilibrium, escape back toward turbulence along LB's 1d unstable manifold.
  • t=300-1200 : Close passes to UB unstable manifold, equilibria still waiting to be discovered, τz LB, etc.
  • t=1200-1350 : Decay to laminar flow.
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