svn $Author: predrag $ $Date: 2009-10-22 19:09:39 -0400 (Thu, 22 Oct 2009) $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dustin Spieker - GaTech Fall 2008 PHYS7224 term project -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: Predrag Oct 20 2008 John, can you put the two Problem 10.8 tent map figures into figs/ directory, hopefully in some Basu-like compact form? Predrag Jan 17 2007 Maintain only ONE bib file for all fluid dynamics related: elton.bib (initially a copy of Gibson's fluid.bib) Predrag Aug 22 2006 Time stamp: ----------- To have svn time-stamp file "someFile.type", include the contents of svnHeader.txt into the file, and then svn propset svn:keywords "Date Author" someFile.type -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY: Predrag Oct 20 2008 - do not know why, but John abandoned blog.tex, restarted it in LaTeX/blog.tex. Removed blog.tex files from the root directory. - moved *.eps into figs/ , created umap1.pdf so it compiles under pdflatex. Predrag Jan 17 2007 installed MicTeX, WinEdt, ghostscript on John's notebook Predrag Jan 13 2007 created project LaTeX template