Hans Johnston May 23 2004 poiss2d.f solves a 2D Poisson eqn., periodic in x, using a Fourier/Chebyshev spectral method, exactly as did the MATLAB code I sent previously. Everything is written in DOUBLE PRECISON, so there is no need for any special compiler options. These 3 files comprise a completely self contained code (other than intrinsics. mylapack.f takes care of the Linear Algebra stuff, and myfftD.f the REAL FFT stuff. I will use FFTW in the future, but for now the rotuines form VFFTPK will be fine. Take a look. I hope this helps further 'the cause'. The code only handles homogeneous Dirichlet BC as is, but modifying for other Dirichlet BC and Neumann BC should be straightforward.