here is how you get started
- Nordita Master Class in Physics 2015 : Geometry of Chaos four brick & mortar “flipped classroom” lectures take place on 12 and 13 August at 8:00 - 8:45 and 9:00 - 9:45, followed by 14:00 - 17:30 problem sets work sessions.
- Sign up here:
use your email together with access code phys7224
join group nordita15 - You will have a homework assignment for each of the four Nordita course lectures. Please try to complete the first two before the start of the course.
- Check out the Nordita master class syllabus
- What is the full online course about? View the course introduction video to find out.
- Begin reading the ChaosBook chapters and viewing the lecture videos for week 1.
Here is the overview of chapters we will study in this course - Some of the homework problems will require you to complete a Python script and run it to produce a specific result. You need to install Python, or the class virtual machine, where all required software is preinstalled. Review software requirements and Python resources links for instructions
- Post your questions, comments, advice, etc. in the piazza discussion forum
- Good luck and enjoy your course!
your instructor and your teaching assistants
Predrag Cvitanović, Nazmi Burak Budanur and Xiong DingCenter for Nonlinear Science
School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA