How to edit and complete chapter chapname.tex:

Notational coherence and proper cross-referencing with the rest of the textbook should be ensured as far as possible.

Edits fall into three general classes:

- trivial ones about wordings and grammar: impelent without comments
- less trivial ones about suggested revisions of the order of discussions and so on: mark the edits
- places where I think the exposition is unclear: use comment enviroment, such as
\NW{This makes no sense to me, or am I in love?} (if you are Niall).

Here is the protocol for making changes:
add something like

%%NW:                         in the line preceeding  a small edit, and

%%NW:start edit
... block of text ...
%%NW:finish edit

if you rewrote a block of text. This way the other person can easily see
what you did by scanning through the file

svn: $Author: predrag $ --- $Date: 2009-12-09 11:49:22 -0500 (Wed, 09 Dec 2009) $